Welcome to the FindingMYNiche blog aka random musings of an easily distracted creative person

Hello everyone, 

My name is Rhonda Parker and I have been trying to "find my niche" for my whole life. I am one of those creative types who gets bored easily, I think. I love to make things all kinds of things, from quilts to woodworking to stained glass oh and don't forget Christmas ornaments. That is why I named my store a chiche'

FindingMyNiche because I am evolving what I do as I go. Probably a silly name but I have had it so long now...

Now as to why has this taken me so long? Do you remember back in school when the teacher would give writing assignments? My worst grades ever came from those things. Like Ralphie in A Christmas Story, I would think I had done well but NOOOOO lol  I know that is part of it but I am also a very private person who does not like to share a lot about my life. Oh yes and I can NOT spell!!!!! So please forgive me as I try  to share a bit of my life with you. 

As I write this today I am watching 5 hummingbirds fighting over my feeder. If they would only learn to share. I think there is a lesson in there somewhere. Anyway today I am working on getting my first batch of Halloween stained glass items finished up. I have already listed some pumpkins and I will have some spiderwebs coming before the end of the month.  https://findingmyniche.etsy.com/listing/1769779322/stained-glass-pumpkin-iridescent-purple

I also have several other Halloween items in my shop because of the move back to Alabama last year my shop was closed for several months last fall. 

Thanks for stopping by,
